
Fulsac Kullananların Yorumları – Fulsac 20 Mg Yorumları – Dikkat!



kaygı, paniğe kapılma, uyuyamama, irritablite, düşmanlık, agresyon, ajitasyon, mani benzeri ataklar, düşüncelerinizi kontrol edememe, kendinize zarar vermeye çalışma, intihar düşünceleri, anksiyete düşünceleri, saldırgan davranışlar, saldırganlık, şiddet, tehlikeli aktivitelere bağımlılık, aşırı neşeli veya mutlu hissetme, halüsinasyon, ataklar, veya tavsiyelerde bulunma da içinde olmak üzere aşağıdaki semptomlar da ortaya çıkabilir:Bazı kullanıcılar ilacı aldıktan sonra düşünme ve davranışlarında değişiklikler fark edebilir. Bu ilacı aldıktan sonra aşağıdakilere dikkat edilmelidir: size zarar vermek veya size zarar verme riskinde olan birisinin farkında olduğunuzda veya göründüğünde ilaç almayı bırakın. Alkol almayın, en azından düşük dozda alın, veya ilacı birkaç saat sonra alın. Sizin doktorunuz dinlenme veya daha dikkatli olmanızı isteyebilir, günlük aktiviteler yardımcı olabilir.İlacı aldığınızdan beri şişlik, şişkinlik (burun veya göğüs, veya karın), göğüs sıkışma, nefes almada zorluk veya hışıltı varsa (astım gibi) durumu gelişebilir.Bir sinir sistemi bozukluğu veya diş alanı bozukluğunuz varsa ilaç almayı bırakın, hemen doktorunuzu arayın, veya belirtilerinizde biri alçalandığında.Tercüme: Fulsac Users’ Comments and Fulsac 20 Mg Comments are here with you. The active ingredient of this medication is Fluoxetine Hydrochloride. FULSAC 20 mg Capsule affects the chemical serotonin which is responsible for controlling mood and transmission between nerve cells in the brain, and normalizes its level. In our article, we will talk about the opinions of those who use this medication, what it is, what it is used for, side effects, etc. Our content also includes reviews from Fulsac users, its purpose and usage for those who are curious about it, and its effects on people who use it.Fulsac is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant. The way Fulsac works is still not fully understood. It is thought to have a positive effect on communication between nerve cells in the central nervous system or to restore chemical balance in the brain. Fulsac Users’ Comments also support this idea. In addition, Fulsac is also used to treat major depressive disorder, bulimia nervosa (an eating disorder), obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder.You can also check out our article about M Furo Cream Users and Reviews, which is similar to this content.Fulsac, used as an antidepressant, is also used in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, bulimia nervosa and depression-related anxiety disorders. What Does Fulsac Do? Many people wonder about this medication. The reviews from Fulsac 20 Mg Comments also mention the following symptoms: used in the treatment of depression (major depressive disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder, as well as in the treatment of emia nervosa and premenstrual mood disturbances such as distress, sadness, anger, irritability, and tension.A lot of people who use Fulsac claim to have come out of their depression and feel happier and more peaceful in their daily lives. Of course, some people are not satisfied due to its side effects. As it is an antidepressant, its side effects can be commonly seen. Here are some of the reviews from Fulsac 20 mg users:”I finally stopped fighting myself in my head. I feel very good now. Definitely helps.””I’ve been taking this medication for 30 days and so far I haven’t seen any side effects and I can say I’ve come out of depression.””I definitely do not recommend it, I lost 4 kilos in 3 weeks and I still feel bad.””It was an antidepressant recommended by my doctor, I thought it wouldn’t work at first but I feel better now.”Fulsac, which is frequently prescribed in cases of depression, is also widely used in our country. There are both positive and negative reviews from those who use Fulsac. Here are some of them:There will be dosage differences depending on your condition and your body mass index. Dosages like 20 mg can also cause usage differences from person to person. Fulsac 20 Mg User Reviews:Some users report that they did not experience any side effects after taking the drug for 20 mg. This dosage is also widely used in our country. Here are the reviews from Fulsac 20 Mg Users:First of all, among the things that are wondered about Fulsac Medication User Reviews, there are also users’ experiences. Here are some of the comments made by users about medications like Fulsac:”If the drug really works or not?, here are some sample reviews for you, ‘I can’t tell you how mad and disappointed I am with myself. This drug changed me, but it did exactly the opposite of what I wanted.’I changed my thoughts and behaviors sometimes, maybe my emotions and sexual desire.I wonder if I can’t shake some cramps or not. I started using it at the top of my dose, and it was hellish.Man, I’m better now, I almost don’t have any side effects, but my head is constantly spinning. I had some side effects when I first started these meds so I tried to reduce the dose a bit and I was fine.25 mg of Fulsac didn’t help me enough, but my depression was prevalent enough to start taking medication again.The reviews of Fulsac 40 mg users differ as well. Some users state that they feel very good in everyday life, while others state that they feel very bad and tense most of the time. Here are some of the reviews:Fulsac used in treatment of depressions, use these medications if needed. Check the reviews about before taking a medication if you want to.

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